My recovery

Long COVID is still new and there is a lot we don’t know about it. Your doctor can help your recovery by learning about your symptoms and referring you to specialists who can help treat them.

Your doctor will be able to help you manage your symptoms and, if needed, refer you to other specialists or health professionals. A referral is a letter from your doctor sending you to a specialist health care provider. Depending on your symptoms, this may include referrals to:

A respiratory doctor: a doctor who specialises in lungs and breathing.

A cardiologist: a heart doctor.

A physiotherapist: a health professional who treats disease, injury, or disability. They can use methods like massage, heat treatment, and exercise.

An occupational therapist: someone who helps people who are sick or injured re-learn everyday activities.

A dietitian: someone who can help people understand how the food we eat affects our health.

A speech pathologist: a specialist who helps people with communication problems and swallowing problems.

A psychologist: a specialist who understands how people feel, behave and react. They provide help with issues such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Your regular doctor may also prescribe some medications and give you advice on the things you can do by yourself to get better. If your symptoms get worse or do not improve, make sure you let your doctor know.

You may be able to manage some of your symptoms yourself, for example through diet, exercise, and rest. The RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) represents over 40,000 doctors. They have written advice on how to manage common symptoms you may experience after getting COVID-9. 

For more information about how to manage long COVID symptoms, check these resources from the National Health Service in the U.K. (note: this website may refer to health services that are in the U.K. rather than Australia).

Managing the effects on the body

Managing the effects on the mind

More resources (English only)

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  • Getting help for long COVID - this fact sheet is from the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care. It explains the different symptoms you may experience if you have Long COVID, where symptoms of COVID-19 remain.

    Exercises videos designed for people living with a long-term lung condition, and includes exercises at 3 levels - from Asthma + Lung UK. These videos have been created for people living with a long-term lung condition.

    How to conserve your energy - from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists. This page has practical advice for people recovering from illness or managing long-term health conditions.

  • If you speak a different language and need help with COVID-19, there are people you can talk to who can speak your language. You can call the National Coronavirus Helpline at 1800 020 080 and ask for someone who speaks your language.

    Mental health helplines in Australia

    Community Health Directory - Community Health Centers provide subsidised health care. You can find your local Community Health Centre in this directory.

    NURSE-ON-CALL - call 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice (24 hours, 7 days)

  • There are many Facebook groups for people experiencing long COVID.

    You can find them this way:

    1. Log into Facebook

    2. Click on “Groups” in the menu on the left.

    3. Type ‘long COVID support group’ in the search bar.

    Long Covid Support Australia - the Health Issues Centre runs a forum for people affected by long COVID.