Soomaali | Somali

Duubabka maqalka ah | Audio recordings

Codkan la duubay ee ku saabsan Long COVID waxaa soo saaray raadiyaha 3CR.

This audio recording about Long COVID was produced by radio station 3CR.

27 qof ayaa illa iyo hadda sanadkan hargab ugu dhimatay dadka Australia iyada oo tirada dadka uu dhacay ay laban laabantay. Waxaan ka waraysanay Dr Omar Salad iyo Faiza Mahad.

CEH Vaccine Ambassadors Omar Elmi and Faiza Mahat were on SBS Radio Somali program on Wednesday 15th June to discuss all things COVID-19 and flu vaccines, as well as the difference between COVID-19 and the flu, how to protect yourself from infection and why people may be hesitant to get the flu vaccination.

Source: SBS Somali

Audio Block
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Click here for an interview with Osman Bariirre for SBSSoomaali on Mr. Bariirre has been supported through CEH’s Long COVID project to engage the Somali community on Long COVID.

Mr. Bariirre has been supported through CEH’s Long COVID project to engage the Somali community on Long COVID.

Halkan kaga bogo waraysi uu la yeeshay Cismaan Bariirre oo ka tirsan SBSSoomaali ee Mr. Bariirre ayaa lagu taageeray mashruuca dheer ee COVID-19 ee CEH si bulshada Soomaaliyeed looga qaybgeliyo COVID-ka dheer.

Mr. Bariirre ayaa lagu taageeray mashruuca dheer ee COVID-19 ee CEH si bulshada Soomaaliyeed looga qaybgeliyo COVID-ka dheer.

Sawirada baraha bulshada

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Si aad u soo dejiso sawiradan baraha bulshada, ku dhufo sawirka ka dibna midigta mouse-ka ku dhufo faylka oo u kaydi sidii.


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